About ISU

The late  Albert Aiello was a real estate investor for over 25 years. He also got his real estate license, and went on to broker millions of dollars of real estate. He was tired of overpaying taxes on his deals, such taxes going out the window to the government and not legally in his pocket. Like you, he found out that there was (and still is) an overwhelming lack of real estate tax expertise. So, he decided to do something about it…

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The LLC Master Machine Asset Protection Program

The Complete System for the Successful Formation & Operation of Limited Liability Companies in all states With Extraordinary Money-saving Strategies For All types of Real Estate Investments Save Thousands in Legal Fees with Impenetrable Ironclad Protection.

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  • Business Builders LLC System

    Just wanted to give you some feedback on the LLC Business Owner's Protection System.  I signed up two clients who had LLCs in place and operating. One NJ based client had 3 LLCs operating as a partnership but not in a two category member LLC Partnership.  We were able to restructure the partnership using the materials in the system, prepare their taxes accordingly and save them almost $28,000 this year on their taxes!The other client operates an auto repair shop in Arlington VA and was reporting his income on a Schedule C and paying tons of taxes.  We filed a Late Election form with the IRS to be taxed as a partnership.  I restructured their entity under the Special LLC Partnership structure and just finished his taxes.  His savings for this year total $33K!!!As a CPA, I'm learning everyday with the LLC Business Owner's Protection System!!!  I feel like I won the Powerball!!

    --Guillermo A. Birmingham, CPA

  • Products are Excellent

    "ISU products are absolutely excellent and well worth the investment.Where else you can get all this information and advice? It's well-writtenand prepared compactly, and ultra easy to use. If you want to learn howto make your business more tax-efficient, and save a boatload of taxmoney, this has to be the best choice available."

    --Richard Curnow

  • LLC Master Machine Program

    Ever since I owned my first real estate, I kept hearing landlord friend's horror stories about how they loose big money on law suites that happened on their properties. As recent as now, my current GC keep reminding me of his unfortunate incident that he lost 1 million dollars on a lead paint law suite in his rental property. This uneasy feeling grows as I own more and more units. I start looking into options of asset protection. But most of these systems are too costly to set up and maintain! These system advocates using multiple LLCs or series LLCs to own properties, creating silos between them.  I don't want to spend ten thousand dollars to set it up and spend thousands of dollars and countless hours to maintain them.. It will transforms me from real estate investor into an LLC administrator and give my hard earned money to the so called asset protection companies.

    --Joe, NJ Real Estate Investor

  • Business and Real Estate Investors

    Phenomenal information! I have utilized so many techniques I have learned from your programs with my book of clients..both business and estate clients. I wanted to thank you for making this available at such an affordable price! You guys are hands down the best. Have an outstanding day!

    --Damon Lee Mayer, ChFC, LTC, EA

  • LLC Master Machine Program

    Mr Aiello's "The LLC Master Machine" provided me an viable alternative to bullet proof my LLCs and stripping equities out of my real estate investments. The light bulb suddenly came on when I learned this new technique.  I followed his setup immediately after becoming a member.  Updating my existing real estate LLC operating agreement to be bullet proof is easy using "The LLC Master Machine" system. After Setting up my Wyoming lender LLC and stripping equities out of my properties, I felt huge relief and can sleep tight every night.. Thank you Mr Aiello! Although you already left us your legacy lives on.. You will be remembered for ever.

    --Joe, NJ Real Estate Investor

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